Getting Your Home Ready

Let's get your home ready for the photo shoot! You want your home to photograph at it's best so first let's de-clutter. Less is more when it comes to property photos, get rid of cleanex boxes and lotion bottles on counters and the 10 pairs of shoes away from entrys. Remember we are documenting space, people want to imagine their own stuff in your house when buying.

Pets! Try to manage your animals the best you can the best photo bombers are kitties, who always seem to be photo ready, or little doggies hiding under beds just peaking out to see what's up! Ha ha in most cases the cute little fur balls can be edited out, but it just takes more time.  

Staging! Have your home professionally staged or if you have the ability we highly recommend it. It's amazing the way little things like a bowl of fruit in the kitchen or a little plant in the bathroom will make photos look amazing!  

The Drone Sees All!! When it comes to the exterior of your home and property, clean up the best you can for great shots. Joker sees everything from the sky, so if your property is cluttered and messy the drone will see it. Once again we have edited out a lot of unsightly obstacles, but this takes time and is costly. 

Lastly... We work on a time scale so the quicker we get in and get out the better, so don't do all of what was suggested above while we are there on the shoot, the more time we spend waiting becomes more costly. 


North Idaho Exposure, LLC

(208) 819-0402


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